Saturday 5 May 2012

Book Review: Choker by Elizabeth Woods

What are best friends for? Murder, maybe.
Zoe and Cara were as close as friends could be-until Zoe moved away in fourth grade. Miserable without Zoe, Cara grew into an unhappy sixteen-year-old, tormented by the popular girls and nursing a hopeless crush. Then one day Cara returns home from a miserable day at school to find Zoe sitting on her bed. Shocked and delighted, Cara agrees to hide Zoe from troubles at home and the two resume their friendship as though no time has passed. Zoe even helps Cara get up the courage to stand up for herself and talk to her crush. But when one of the popular girls winds up dead, Cara begins to suspect that Zoe is responsible, and her questions only feed Zoe's anger. As Cara searches for answers, she is forced to confront a deadly truth….


       This. Book. Is. AMAZING. I was on the edge of my seat for every word. You just can't get enough of the suspense in this novel :) It has you heart pounding the way Woods portrays Zoe throughout the book. Cara is a complex and dynamic character that you immeditiatly feel a deep sympathy for and Zoe is someone you could automatically like (if she wasn't crazy of course) ;)

      ALSO, the twist at the end will leave you totally shocked to the point where you want to restart the book just to catch it again ! i Loved this story and I think you will too. Woods it deliciously good at what she does and I will certainly be picking up the next novel from this author!

Thank for reeding guys !

youtube review:


  1. [spoiler alert!!] umm... is the character Zoe in Choker not real or just part of Cara's mind? I keep having doubts...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Zoe is a made-up figment of Cara's mind. She's made up from the beginning. There is no Zoe :)
